2011年12月27日 星期二

guitar sound in in-ear monitoring

Hi all,

tested a cheapo in-ear monitoring set for my top-40 band yesterday. At first the overall sound was very muddy which we achieved to correct with an equalizer, but the guitar always sounded terrible.

I played a Strat style though some stompboxes, Hamp;K Tubeman II and with recording output directly into mixer. The front-sound is ok with this setup, but in the monitor it sounds like guitar played into mixer without speaker emulator. Very thin, screechy and sterile.

Any ideas what might be wrong? Could better earplugs help - the overall band sound was good?

Any hints are appreciated.
Thanks, Chris

better in ears do help. i never like the sound plugged into the mixer.

if you want zero stage volume get an isolation cab with a mic in it

for that kind of quot;gigsquot; I'm not searching for the best sound, but for accaptable sound with minimum weight and time to set up. our customers do not hear the difference.
Don't worry, I don't amplify this way on jazz gigs.

Anyway thanks for confirming my suspicion, I'll try higher quality earplugs

