2011年12月27日 星期二

(photos) of wiring HELP! part 2

ok i included some photos of my wiring.


i cant understand what is wrong

any ideas?

i tried all the solder joints and stuff

i cant believe this isnt working. i use this wiring all the time and never have problems

the only thing i have changed is that i dont have the tone connected at all cause i dont like it messing with the sound.

from : localhost//website...l_1tone_5w.htm

of course the trem is grounded as well

sorry bro, that pic is too fuzzy to make anything outof

did you ground the tone pot?

Hum and noise problems are the worst, and hardest, type of things to find. Not having the tone control connected could be just the change in the LRC characteristics that aggravates the problem. I'd reconnect that first. Then go from there.

no i didnt ground the tone cause it isnt hooked up to anything.

i tried putting all the grounds on the tone though instead of the volume.

