2011年12月27日 星期二

Saddle tuning issue with hollow body

Hi All,

I have a new/used Ibanez Artstar. When attempting to set it up for the first time, I was unable to move the saddles for the lower 3 strings (E,A and D) forward enough for correct tuning (just barely). Those three saddles are in opposite orientation (slanting different direction) than the upper three, so that the lower three can not be tuned as sharp. HARD TO EXPLAIN!

My question: It probably was built this way for a reason, but I think I need to reverse the orientation of the lower three so that they are like the others, so I can get a sharper tuning. Am I missing something, or would that be ok?



That should be fine, it's a pretty common way to fix intonation problems when your guitar is too sharp or flat . . .

Cool. I'll give it a try.

