Well I'm currently thinking af using a HSS instead of the SSS configuration (mainly because it looks better ) and so I would Probably use a full sized Bucker instead of Duckbuckers... which Pickup would you say sounds most like the DB... or... which Humbucker has the clearest, brightest clean sound?
thanks for your opinions
No humbucker si going to sound like a Duck. For clearest and cleanest, I would say either a Jazz for the neck or a Stag Mag.
Hmm I just got through all Buckers which would have been abel to suit in the tone chart but it seems like none got the right sound...
But I maybe need a Bucker so which ones do you use for clean, clear chords @ Bridge Position?
Okay, let's see. You've got 3 Ducks in there now and want to go with a full humbucker in the bridge?
If I have that correct, let me ask a few more questions.
Maple or Rosewood Fretboard?
Music Style you like to play?
Amp used?
That will help us a lot.
no actually ia actually thinking of a new config with a jb jr ind the mid...
I want to use this pup for playing very clean very bright chords...
if you want a clean bright pickup a Jazz is the way to go...you can get a Jazz bridge if you want.
And what about the Alnico II Pro? What's bad about this one?
Originally Posted by KommerzbassistAnd what about the Alnico II Pro? What's bad about this one?An Alnico 2 Pro is a great pickup, I love mine! You said bright...here is my take...the Alnico 2 Pro has a great tone, it has a very bell like top end, almost like a Strat, but as for the main body of the tone it has all the basic alnico II qualitys, which is a more mids that anlico 5 magnets...a Jazz and an Alnico 2 Pro are very close in tone, but the Jazz is brighter...
What about a DiMarzio Humkbucker from hell??
Well I'd like to only use SDs... I'm not sooo much into DiMarzios (had a few expierences with them... not so good experiences)
but thanks for all your opinions