So, how many guitars have you owned over the years including the ones you own now. Last time I counted it was like 150 spanning almost 30 years. Mostly Gibson, Fender, and Gamp;L but I played Ibanez and Kramer pretty hard back in the 80's and had my share of those too. Lately I have been getting into Jackson/Charvel and ESP and most recently Dean. I also have had a couple of Agiles and come and go in the last couple of months - cool guitars for the price incidentally. Just searching for the mojo man
Let's hear about yours!
I still have all of mine, so 5.
Hmm... not sure off hand but I know it's more than 10.
4: acoustic, SG, Strat, Blueshawk!
I currently own about 22 guitars. The noly guitars that I have owned that I no longer have are:
Taylor 615. I never liked that guitar, so I traded it for a Santa Cruz OM
Hagstrom 2: This was my first electric. I had to sell it to buy my SG, which I still own I bought the SG in 1968. I wish I still had the Hagstrom, just for the kick of hjaving my 1st electric
1966 Fender Jaguar: This was stolen a long time ago (around 1967). Wish I had it today.
I do not plan on selling any of the guitars I own. I will eventually add some, just a matter of me deciding what I want. I think I will eventually buy a LP special, DC with P90's. This will be my slide guitar!!
Gotta be some where close to 50 ( I'm sure Wattage can top that)
Most where total P.O.S. But here's a short list of one's I wish I still had.
90' Les Paul (Stolen)
(2) 83'SQ Strats
SRV Strat
Lefty Strat (ala JIMI)
60's Gretsch. Don't remember the model. It was my Dad's... He sold it to
keep me from ruining it. ( I don't blame him. I would have destroyed it as a kid)
i currently own 12 guitars 1 bass so, 13 total...i've owned...24 total.
and the funny thing...i have never owned an acoustic.
70's Electra 335
'71 Tele
'76 Strat
'83 Strat Elite
?? Gibson Blueridge 12 string
'67 Ricky 335
'68 Epi Casino
'67 SG
A bunch of home made electrics (5 or 6)
Some o' classical for china
60's Jag
60's Guild Starfire 12 string
Some ol' Dano single pickup
Tiesco Bass
That's like 18 or 19.
Benedict Benelectro
Guild s-300
Home made Tele
Home made Strat
Seagull 12 string
'77 Ovation roundback (my 2nd guitar)
Recent Dano 12 string
'34 Gibson L4 (beat)
Home made Lapsteel
That's 9.
I mostly use the 1st 3 electrics and the Ovation.
I think that's it.
I've had 19 before the ones I got now.
6 the only guitar i'vesold was my first guitar a samick acoustic (youth size). I traded for my Yamaha acoustic.
I have owned:
1. JC Penney single coil strat rip-off. Traded for LP copy.
2. A Lotus LP copy that had 2 Bill Lawrence L500 pups split and series/parallel switching... It was cool. Stolen
3. Peavy T-60 Stolen. But I didn't like it any way very lifeless sterile guitar.
4. Hamer Special-sold Sweet. I wish I still had it.
5. Gibson Explorer-made really stupid horrible memory of a trade. I really wish that I still had it.
6. A rotten Fender Acoustic 12 string...I never want to see one again.
7. JV Strat. Only one that I have. I love and it's going no where unless someone will trade me even up for a '54 or '63 strat.
i have owned 4.
Too many!
I haven't owned 150 though! I'll have to see if I can find my list again.
I think only 8 in total.
Probably 10-15 total.
My hobby has always been to buy highend gear, as long as I get it for a huge loss to the original buyer, which leaves me a profit margin, when I go to sell it.
I always buy with some intent to keep it, but the second something bugs me about it, I just sell it at a profit and buy something else. It's a fun hobby, because it never cost me actual money's just like moving stocks and investments, only funner. I've been doing it since I was old enough to have a paper route! LOL
I can't even guess how many guitars, although it's far over 100. I've had about 65 guitar amps, and probably around 85 pedals. Also, tons of rack gear, microphones, pickups, and tubes.
Over the years, I've just whittled it down to the exact pieces I love the most.....the guitars and amps that are pure magic. I no longer place much sentimental value on anything but a few choice amps and guitars. If I pick up a guitar and find anything that doesn't excite me, it's GONE, and soon replaced with a new toy. Right now, I'm considering parting with my Schecter US Tele and DeArmond.
Gotta get a Custom Shop Tele!!!
Over the past 5 years I've probably owned around 75 give or take. But usually no more than 10 at a time.
Judging by all the threads about people buying one guitar after another, I think the number varies by day at this site. I've never seen so many threads about buying guitars. This forum should be called Guitar Buyers' Anonymous. Sure, I'm jealous I can't afford a new Les Paul every week, but the good part is I can only play one at a time anyway.
Don´t ask...More than girlfriends, and I don´t care to mention numbers there, either :