2011年12月27日 星期二

VooDoo Labs Pedal Power 2

Who here is using one of these and how do you like it? I need a power supply but I need it to be able to power both types of Boss pedals as well as my Rat, Duncan boxes, etc. Any thoughts, good or bad...let me know!

I had one for a while and it was great. I don't even remember what happened to it. It's a much better alternative to what I use now (power strip and AC adapters). Matter of fact I will get another one soon.

I've heard nothing but good about it from a lot of folks who are good at finding fault.

i have amp; i like.

the visual sound one spot is also a great choice.

Originally Posted by Mincerthe visual sound one spot is also a great choice.

really?! Will it power both types of Boss pedals?

from : localhost/out the specs...

Mincer, is this what you use? This seems pretty bad ass and a lot less space and cash that a full blown power supply! How is the noise and such?

I found the visual sound to be a little noisy, I'm using the Godlyke power-all right now.

Its quieter than the visual sound, but not as quiet as the pedal power 2. I've just never been able to justify spending that much on a power supply...

Been using the original Pedal Power for years. Quiet, damn near bulletproof, powers anything, really no issues at all.

Pedal power 2 owner here. I love it. The only issue is that you might want to make sure that the pedals you need to power are supported by it before you buy (this mostly applies to pedals that have a lot of current draw and/or weird connectors, but it does power my line6 DL4 just fine).

there is more than one kind of Boss connection?!?!

Comparing the VoodooLabs Pedal power with the One Spot or the Godlyke is comparing apples and oranges.

The Pedal Power consists of eight separate and isolated power supplies housed in one enclosure.

The #8220;One Spot#8221; and the #8220;Power-All#8221; are just #8216;wall-warts#8217; with enough mA to power multiple devices (by daisy-chaining the output). There is no power or ground isolation between pedals, and ground loops are possible.

Many times you can get away with wall-wart adapters if noise is not an issue. If you want a high quality noiseless supply, Pedal Power is hard to beat. It really comes down to cost vs. performance.
Originally Posted by nahfutenthere is more than one kind of Boss connection?!?!

Yes, Boss uses PSA and ( the now obsolete) ACA adapters.
see: from : localhost/members01.chello.se/pastorn/f.../bossadapt.htm

i have never had noise problems with the one spot, but depending on where you live and where it is plugged in, you could i guess. for $30 or so it is worth it to try.
I have been using batteries lately for gigs. less wires, and less to plug in. I keep a few spares in my bag, and a few in my car.

Originally Posted by nahfutenthere is more than one kind of Boss connection?!?!a regulated and a non regulated...or in Boss speak an ACA and a PSA, the ACA is older and what you will find on most MIJ Boss pedals, PSA is what they use now and what most other companies use

As much as you're into cool pedals with differing power jacks, DEFINITELY pay the money for the Voodoo PPII. That thing eliminated so many headaches from wiring up a pedalboard with anything I wanted on it. All the jacks are isolated, so there's no ground loop hum, or any noise whatsoever.

The only thing that irked me was that it has 2 Line 6 outlets, but only came with 1 specialized Line 6 cable.....so stupid!!!! However, if you Email Voodoo, they'll send you a cable or two for free.

I don't use a lot of effects, but I use a Visual sound one spot. It powers everything I need and is dead quiet. $25.00 works great form my needs

I used to use a Godlyke and it was great.....until I tried to power effects in front and effects in the loop, when I got a horrible ground loop buzz (strong enough that it'd vibrate the floor on the gain channel).

After switching to a PPII, I've never had any problems. I've used it to power Boss ASA and PSA pedals, again with no problems.

So, if you're only powering pedals that're either out front or in the loop, I'd recommend something like a Godlyke or a One-Spot; but, if you're planning on powering effects out front and effects in the loop, I'd recommend a PPII simply to avoid the potential for ground loops.

