2012年1月12日 星期四

Alnico II Pro HB distorted?

I was wondering how the Alnico II sounded distorted... Anyone using that pup for this?

I primarily play with OD/dist, my heritage has a jazz n/ A2P bridge. The A2P sings beautifully. It is round and smooth. It has great string to string definition and articulation. The clarity is somewhat less that that of a Seth though according to Barlo. To me this bucker is the a seth that they made more humbucker-like. It has less quack and more mids. Rounder.


very warm and round, just as luke says. Definitely a singing quality without harsh highs. Definitely smoother than an a5 pickup. Articulation and clarity...no comment. Not entirely sure of the definition of these terms.

It's my favorite HB to date. I love the smoothness. It retains clarity no matter how much gain I throw at it. I may stop looking at other HB's as I keep going back to the APH for both neck and bridge. It allows me to get quot;my soundquot; and let the natural tone of my guitars and amp shine through. YMMV, but for me it's the bomb.

It sounds round. It has good bottom end and mids. The highs are enough to give clarity and cut. Mine was bright but not as bright as a '59. LOved them. ONly sold them because I wanted something different. Great pickup

Well seems like you all like it... I think I'll give it a try.. thanks guys

Ah yes and one thing... anyone using it with a 1meg pot?

It has a nice smooth round tone but the mids are vocal enough and there are enough highs to make it cut through it is very sweet sounding even with lots of distortion

I currently have a bridge a2pro in a Les Paul and it's a great pickup for classic rock tone. It is similar to the Seth Lover, with a little more punch and high end quot;sizzlequot;.
Lot's of character and definition. I like the upfront mids and the quot;openquot; tone.

There are two quot;dirtyquot; samples with bridge and neck pickup on the main site, too.

Mine has a standard 500k and .047 cap (I think that's it). The 1 meg. ohm will make it brighter and give you a more dramatic tone change.


