2012年1月12日 星期四

Anyone going back to older styles again??

My Tokai went back to stock Strat mode, my taste in humbuckers are towards lowoutput stuff, it really needs to be different if I should use a hotter one.
It is like going a full circle..hehe
Even my sound is back to classic sounding ways.

well, i got into rockabilly, obviously

but my taste in sounds has always been fairly consistent, like if i add echo to distortion i can already get it's good rockabilly tone, and if i switch to the neck its good blues tone. I guess pickups with about...mid level output appeal to me, and then the hot rail, that appeals to me a lot

My tone has transmogrified into a sort of classic rock/metal tone with more gain.

yeah, i had an Ibanez loaded with gibson 500T gain machines, now i have an SSS strat w/ surfers. I wanted to get a Mesa rectifier preamp and power amp rack setup, but my tastes changed and i opted for a 40W blackface fender and 15 inch JBL.

What makes lower output classic type equipment stuff have more character? Pickups for example? They sound so much woodier and glassier than high output pickups.

My playing and tastes have always been a mix of old and new, so nothing's really changing for me.

I mean, if it gives you an indication of what I like, my next two axes are going to be an Ibanez 7-string and a Gamp;L S-500 Strat.

Originally Posted by JB_From_HellMy tone has transmogrified into a sort of classic rock/metal tone with more gain.

yeah, my tone is kinda like old school priest with more gain

Most definitely rid, and I posted a similar thread a few weeks back.

I prefer lower output pups (PAF style) these days and less and less gain it seems. I remember bitc$ing about plexis/800's not havin near enough gain when I was younger, and now I find they have more than enough for most things.Hell, I find myself playing more on the Plexi/Bassman models on my Vox and the clean channel cranked on my MESA than anything else these days. I still mess around with the high gain when absolutely necc (i.e. playing The Prisoner from Iron Maiden doesn't sound too good on a cranked Bassman), but even then, I'm shying away from those styles of music too.

Slowin down in my old age I guess

i never went too high gain, in fact the soldano i used to have never got played with the gain all the way up. i never liked that sound. i play older style guitars and amps and my pickups are a mix of overwound (tele) and antiquity like pickups.

I think you do reach a point where you realise less is more. I used to virtually snap the gain pot off on my old Marshall to get more distortion, and I was using a Gibson MIII with a Floyd and humbuckers and stuff. Now I use a Gamp;L Legacy and a whole lot less gain. I like to think as progressing through life gracefully. With the option to party when the mood takes me!!!

I've gotten pretty close to masmsteen's tone lately. Sounding good, and nowhere near the gain i used to use.

Hehe I cannot say that I use less gain, maybe just more with extra thought now.Nah, I am always pushing foward...I try to come up with sounds neither me nor other people have come up with sometimes. I leave the classic sounds to the people who do it a lot better than I do!

i keep trying to raise my tone but instead of adding as much distortion as i can all the time im trying to get points of lower distortion to clean less experienced players are usually attracted to distortion cause it sounds harder and hides a lot of mistakes but a lot of distortions dont have good blend to it so ive decided to cut down because of that and it is better to practice on lower distortions because u can hear ur mistakes easier


I will not rest until I've put all the pieces together. That journey is still happening.

I am begining to see that I'm leaning more and more into custom made prodcuts, tho.

My tone is definitely evolving. I can't say I'm going back to older styles because I wasn't into 'em in the first place. I dunno if I'd even say I'm using less gain but I'm definitely using different gain.
Tone: it's a journey, not a destination...

What I meant was perhaps using tradition as springboard, perhaps playing stuff on stock strat you normally would not do, or using a Tele?
Not relying on the gear to get you where you want.

Originally Posted by RidWhat I meant was perhaps using tradition as springboard, perhaps playing stuff on stock strat you normally would not do, or using a Tele?
Not relying on the gear to get you where you want.

Isn't that still quot;relying on the gear to get you where you wantquot;? If you're changing from quot;Aquot; to quot;Bquot; because you prefer the results with quot;Bquot;, isn't that relying on the gear even if it's more traditional than quot;Aquot;.
The player who gets his tone playing a Tele through a Twin is no less dependent on the gear than someone who plays a PRS into a Bogner. He just has different requirements. Those requirements might be met by hardware that's more easily obtained but in my book the dependency is still there. The Tele player mentioned above isn't gonna be so comfortable playing a LP through a Plexi.

Well I have borrowed a Tacoma Bariton acoustic for a few days....that is relying on nothing but playing
Perhaps I am thinking about more clearsounding stuff, than all that sometimes too fat sounds with little variations.
I am trying to worry less about what gear I have, and more about the actual stuff I play and get it to fit in.

