I heard you can take a resistor and solder it across a pot to decrease its value. I like my 500k on the volume and want to experiment on the tone with different values.
I want to take a 500k tone pot that really reads 450k and change it to a 350 or 400k pot with a resistor. Any ideas as to how to do this and what value resistors? Thanks
Originally Posted by KLINKDETROITI heard you can take a resistor and solder it across a pot to decrease its value. I like my 500k on the volume and want to experiment on the tone with different values.
I want to take a 500k tone pot that really reads 450k and change it to a 350 or 400k pot with a resistor. Any ideas as to how to do this and what value resistors? Thanks
yes but it affects the sweep value of the pot
1/500(K) 1 / x(K) = 1 / 400(K) ===gt; x = 2000(K)
1/500(K) 1 / x(K) = 1 / 350(K) ===gt; x = 1166.66(K)
PS. Tone pot's taper would only slightly change. For example a 500K halfway (250K) would become 222K with the addition of a 2000K resistor. So no biggie!
Hey klink; I think you may have a misunderstanding about something here. (Maybe not.)
That trick with a volume control is effective, but not so much with a tone control. Your 450k tone control already hits every value of a 400k or 350k. Just turn it down to 8 or 9 to mimick a 400k. Turn it down to 7 or 8 to mimick a 350k. Those numbers aren't exact, it just gives you the basic concept. If you never turn your tone control above 7 - 9, then a lower value might be desirable, but you can test that without adding resistors.
Edit: If its an audio taper tone control, around quot;5quot; will mimick a 400 to 350 control.
Wait here...new concept for me...
where does the soldering happen, between the two lugs? Or from a lug to the shell?
On the tone pot a la 50's one leg of the resistor would be in the center lug and and the other leg be grounded.
BTW Artie is right, why do you wanna decrease your tone pot resistance? Is your setup too bright?
I turn the tone all the way up because turning it down also affects the gain. I just want to slightly darken the tone down about 20% I tried 300k pot on the tone and it was too dark. I have tried every imaginable combo of potsincluding 1 meg etc. I just want instructions on how to put the resistor on the tone pot to get the 450k to 400 or 350. Thanks
Originally Posted by dr.barlo1/500(K) 1 / x(K) = 1 / 400(K) ===gt; x = 2000(K)
1/500(K) 1 / x(K) = 1 / 350(K) ===gt; x = 1166.66(K)
PS. Tone pot's taper would only slightly change. For example a 500K halfway (250K) would become 222K with the addition of a 2000K resistor. So no biggie!I dont understand the diagram. Please explain to this idiot. LOL
The formula for calculating parallel resistances, is to take the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals. So:If you want to convert a 450k to a 400k you have to transpose terms to the other side and subtract.
In the bottom equation, substitute 350k for the 400k to get the new value. (approx 1.575 meg)
I dropped out of school and am an idiot what number cap and where do I solder it. LOL
Artie...now my head hurts from reading that lol....
If it wasn't for that little 1/x button on the TI, I'd still be fixing washing machines.
Originally Posted by ArtieTooThe formula for calculating parallel resistances, is to take the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals. So:If you want to convert a 450k to a 400k you have to transpose terms to the other side and subtract.
In the bottom equation, substitute 350k for the 400k to get the new value. (approx 1.575 meg)Seriously. Do you know what value resistor to use to get to 400 and what lugs do the resistor connct to. I am illiterate at reading the diagram. Thanks for your help.
Ok what is the exact value of your pot? And after the addition of the resistor, what exact value do you want your modded pot to measure?
Originally Posted by dr.barloOk what is the exact value of your pot? And after the addition of the resistor, what exact value do you want your modded pot to measure?
The exact value is 455k on my ohm meter. I would like to try to get it at 400 and 350 to see which one I like. I know 300k is too dark for my Rio Grande pickups. I even tried a 1 meg on the tone and volume and every imaginable combination of every pot I could find. I have a 500k on the volume and think 500 on the tone is a little thin/bright so I just want to shave a little off by making the tone either 400k or 350k. Thanks alot Dr. Barlo
In case you can't see it well, the left two terminals of the pot are connected together. You can just extend the lead of the cap through both lugs and solder.
(btw - the colors on that resistor are meaningless. They were done for purely quot;artisticquot; purposes.)
Originally Posted by ArtieTooIn case you can't see it well, the left two terminals of the pot are connected together. You can just extend the lead of the cap through both lugs and solder.
(btw - the colors on that resistor are meaningless. They were done for purely quot;artisticquot; purposes.) Thanks alot.
I see that you are set!
Originally Posted by ArtieTooIn case you can't see it well, the left two terminals of the pot are connected together. You can just extend the lead of the cap through both lugs and solder.
(btw - the colors on that resistor are meaningless. They were done for purely quot;artisticquot; purposes.) One last question. Do I connect the tone pot to the volume pot with a .047 cap like normal or just run some wire from the tone to the volume? Thanks again.
Originally Posted by KLINKDETROITOne last question. Do I connect the tone pot to the volume pot with a .047 cap like normal or just run some wire from the tone to the volume? Thanks again.About to follow this diagram above. Do I connect the tone to volume with strait wire or a .047 cap?
I also would like to decrease the value of a 1 meg volume to around 650 ohm and need a diagram.