So if someone asked you to recommend PUP and they knew nothing. They were so unsure of what styles they would pursue, the type of guitar, wood, etc - but they would replace the PUPs no matter what (hey this is hypothetical) What would you recommend?
I will taint this thread with my own recommendation:
Most no brain sets:
Alnico 2 Pros
VPAF/VHOT PAF (VPAF bridge is too thin to me)
For strats - the Dimarzio Virtual Vintage Series 2.1's
Strat with Bridge HB - VHOT PAF or A2Pro or CC is you are dying to go Duncan (I love the VV sets for strats)
TELE - Fender Noiseless (which I was quite pleased with)
I mainly choose these because they work in ANYTHING, always sound good to me, and really sound open and natural.
I am already anticipating some people saying JB/JAZZ or 59's or something.
I am not a huge 59 fan, though I think it's the most basic quot;no-brainerquot;, I find the A2PROs to be a quot;best kept secretquot;
for hum-hum config: JB bridge and a paf pro neck
h-s-h: jb bridge, lace silver, paf pro neck
s-s-s: lace red, silver, blue
CC bridge and a2pro neck.
For more classic/open tones, Seth Lover bridge with jazz neck.
h/s/h-jazz,cool rails,dimebucker
s/s/s-vintage staggerds
s/s/h-vintage staggs amp; 59
h/s-59/hot for tele
s/s-(tele) hot for tele set.
All Antiquity and Antiquity II singles
If they are a beginning player I'd say a Distortion set so they can hide the slop and inexperience.
Then as they progress I'd say switch the neck to a '59 or PG and call it a day.
no brainer set is stock pickups.
I'd leave the stocks. If that's not quot;allowedquot;, I'd get a PAF-ish rig from GFS. Why spend big money for someone who doesn't even know what they want? Or if it must be Duncan, a set of PAF-ish Duncan Designed or Performers.
Makes no sense to go with expensive Dimarzio VVs or Duncan antiquities until you're sure that's what he's after.
Hybrid 59/Jazz N
Hybrid 59/Custom B
Texas Hots