2012年1月12日 星期四

No Brainer Set Of Pups For Any Guitar???

So if someone asked you to recommend PUP and they knew nothing. They were so unsure of what styles they would pursue, the type of guitar, wood, etc - but they would replace the PUPs no matter what (hey this is hypothetical) What would you recommend?

I will taint this thread with my own recommendation:

Most no brain sets:


Alnico 2 Pros
VPAF/VHOT PAF (VPAF bridge is too thin to me)

For strats - the Dimarzio Virtual Vintage Series 2.1's

Strat with Bridge HB - VHOT PAF or A2Pro or CC is you are dying to go Duncan (I love the VV sets for strats)

TELE - Fender Noiseless (which I was quite pleased with)

I mainly choose these because they work in ANYTHING, always sound good to me, and really sound open and natural.

I am already anticipating some people saying JB/JAZZ or 59's or something.

I am not a huge 59 fan, though I think it's the most basic quot;no-brainerquot;, I find the A2PROs to be a quot;best kept secretquot;

for hum-hum config: JB bridge and a paf pro neck
h-s-h: jb bridge, lace silver, paf pro neck
s-s-s: lace red, silver, blue

CC bridge and a2pro neck.
For more classic/open tones, Seth Lover bridge with jazz neck.

h/s/h-jazz,cool rails,dimebucker
s/s/s-vintage staggerds
s/s/h-vintage staggs amp; 59
h/s-59/hot for tele
s/s-(tele) hot for tele set.


All Antiquity and Antiquity II singles

If they are a beginning player I'd say a Distortion set so they can hide the slop and inexperience.

Then as they progress I'd say switch the neck to a '59 or PG and call it a day.

no brainer set is stock pickups.


I'd leave the stocks. If that's not quot;allowedquot;, I'd get a PAF-ish rig from GFS. Why spend big money for someone who doesn't even know what they want? Or if it must be Duncan, a set of PAF-ish Duncan Designed or Performers.

Makes no sense to go with expensive Dimarzio VVs or Duncan antiquities until you're sure that's what he's after.

Hybrid 59/Jazz N
Hybrid 59/Custom B
Texas Hots

